
Papapātuhi Pikitia

Ko te Papapātuhi Slim he hototahi ki te Mac me te PC, na te mea he whiringa maha mo nga kaiwhakamahi katoa. Ko tana hoahoa mono-a-takaro te tikanga ka taea e koe te tiimata ki te whakamahi tika i waho o te pouaka kaore he taputapu taapiri me te tatūnga e hiahiatia ana.
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84 Papapātuhi Ahokore Matua Nihokikorangi me te Kaituhituhi 2.4GHz

84 Papapātuhi Ahokore Matua Nihokikorangi me te Kaituhituhi 2.4GHz

Kei te mihi mai koe ki te haere mai ki to maatau wheketere ki te hoko i nga hokonga hou, te utu iti, me te kounga teitei 84 Key Wireless Keyboards Nihokikorangi me te 2.4GHz Typewriter, Chuangquan te tumanako ki te mahi tahi me koe.
84 Taviri Ahokore Nihokikorangi Papapātuhi 2.4GHz Kaituhituhi

84 Taviri Ahokore Nihokikorangi Papapātuhi 2.4GHz Kaituhituhi

I te mea ko tetahi o te kounga teitei 84 Keys Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards 2.4GHz Kaituhi Kaituhi, ka taea e koe te okioki ki te hoko 84 Keys Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards 2.4GHz Typewriter mai i Chuangquan a ka tukuna atu e matou ki a koe te ratonga pai i muri i te hoko me te tuku i te wa.
Ko te Kaihanga ngaio a Haina Papapātuhi Pikitia me te kaiwhakarato, kei a matou ake te wheketere. Nau mai ki te hoko Papapātuhi Pikitia mai i a matou. Ka hoatu e matou ki a koe te utu pai. Kia mahi tahi tatou tetahi ki tetahi ki te hanga i te pai ake me te painga tahi.
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