Ko te Papapātuhi Slim he hototahi ki te Mac me te PC, na te mea he whiringa maha mo nga kaiwhakamahi katoa. Ko tana hoahoa mono-a-takaro te tikanga ka taea e koe te tiimata ki te whakamahi tika i waho o te pouaka kaore he taputapu taapiri me te tatūnga e hiahiatia ana.
Kei te mihi mai koe ki te haere mai ki to maatau wheketere ki te hoko i nga hokonga hou, te utu iti, me te kounga teitei 84 Key Wireless Keyboards Nihokikorangi me te 2.4GHz Typewriter, Chuangquan te tumanako ki te mahi tahi me koe.
I te mea ko tetahi o te kounga teitei 84 Keys Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards 2.4GHz Kaituhi Kaituhi, ka taea e koe te okioki ki te hoko 84 Keys Wireless Bluetooth Keyboards 2.4GHz Typewriter mai i Chuangquan a ka tukuna atu e matou ki a koe te ratonga pai i muri i te hoko me te tuku i te wa.
Ko te Kaihanga ngaio a Haina Papapātuhi Pikitia me te kaiwhakarato, kei a matou ake te wheketere. Nau mai ki te hoko Papapātuhi Pikitia mai i a matou. Ka hoatu e matou ki a koe te utu pai. Kia mahi tahi tatou tetahi ki tetahi ki te hanga i te pai ake me te painga tahi.
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